Thursday, May 27, 2010

First Day

Everyone has a blog. Me too! The irony? I had all these thoughts about what I would write and now as I sit here I am not sure what to write. Once it is online it is permanent. Typos AND thoughts. Permanent as in FOREVER. It can be daunting but I think I will enjoy it once I get rolling.

When you are a dispatcher you have everyone's secrets. Dispatching is about keeping them. I don't want to write all about dispatching because there is a lot I can't say. Its all a secret. People tell you things that they would not tell their friends and family. Sometimes they share a lot more then necessary but talking has always been a kind of therapy for many people. People don't call 9-1-1 on the best day of their life, they call on the worst day of their life!

I am the dieting dispatcher. Because.... Well I am always dieting. Dispatch is not a stress free environment. It has a very high stress level. Sure there is down time but most of the time there is activity. Its fight or flight a lot of the time. Which makes you.... HUNGRY! Even when you are not actually hungry. I don't eat all the time but its the weird hours and how much of the job consumes your life. I don't get a lot of spare time. A twelve hour shift schedule takes over a large part of your day. Plus I drive 40 miles EACH way. Then when I get to my days off I frantically catch up on what I could not do because I was at work. Its a vicious cycle. But I like helping people. So I stay. For now. And I am grateful to have a job.

So this is not going to be about dispatching. Its is a journey to get healthier and to feel better over all. Ok, there will be a little dispatching in here but most I want to share the journey of better health. PLUS I have a Marine Corps reunion in Vegas in October and I CANNOT feel like this. oh no no no!!

OK! Typos checked. Here we go! Welcome to my journey!
