Wednesday, July 21, 2010

ChaLEAN Extreme! Blood Sugar and Shakelogy

Today was the first day of ChaLEAN Extreme (aka CE)! It was not as difficult as I thought it would be but that is not exactly what I mean. Difficult as in unable to walk after the work out because of the intensity. The idea behind CE is that muscle burns fat and that lifting weights will not bulk you up. The best part is that you don't have to watch every second like when it is cardio. Chalene wants you to choose the right weight for you. Form is very important and the reps are sllooowwwww. I am unsure about what lb of weight I need to use right now but she recommends 5-12 lbs for newbies. Chalene also says that you underestimate how much weight you can lift. It is sooooo true! Once I started the first CD I was able to figure out that I could do more weight! I already enjoy it! LOL I can already tell that it is worth the money it cost. Plus I LOVE Chalene because she is such a motivator! She also has a motivational CD that came with the workouts so I am going to listen to it hopefully this week. Tomorrow is a rest day but I might try to squeeze some yoga in there to stretch out some muscles!

I feel I am progressing with my food. I have had some slip ups along the way but eating every three hours is working. As a matter of fact it makes me feel worse if I don't eat like that because my blood sugar does drop! On Monday we had a meeting so there were two dispatchers from another agency that were coming in to take over while we were gone. That meant that they came like four hours before the meeting to get some background on how we do things. All dispatch centers are not the same. The two that came to replace us is a very very small center. So it makes me nervous to leave my station, my people, my stuff but I am also nervous for them and HOPE I remembered all the basic info that they needed!! It turned out fine but while all that is going on I didn't eat. By 5pm and getting ready to leave for the meeting I am STARVING and shaky. So my blood sugar was low low low! I am scrambling to find something with sugar in it to eat. Lets see some crackers, two red vines, and the rest of my Starbucks coffee (fat free, not sugar free).I made it through the meeting which was TWO hours. I had even planned that I would be at work longer that day but time disappears very fast in the dispatch center. Feeling like that is horrible because I have to struggle to get my blood sugar back up to where it is supposed to be! I think that the three hour diet is PERFECT for me. I am going to be concentrating on that way of eating. it has been working so far.

Shakeology. I want to try it but it is on the pricey side. I am worry about the taste. I already make my own smoothies with protein mix and I love them. Shakeology is the same idea but it is crammed full of nutrients among other things. Lots of people drink them but it is a commitment. I am considering buying into it! I want a sample so I can tast it before I make my FULL commitment!


Saturday, July 3, 2010

Yoga with some love

Yoga Chat...
I have not been doing my yoga because I am focusing on trying to get back into cardio. Fortunately my knee still appears to be healed. So far, so good. As a matter of fact I was more sore from yoga then the cardio I have been doing. The cardio has been 20 minutes at the most and yoga is about 45 minutes (if I cut out the commercials). Every inch of me gets a work out with yoga even if I choose a specific workout plan directed at a specific issue. Today I was able to work through my soreness and do 45 minutes of cardio. My knees did not collapse and I didn't have a heart attack!! LOL It was fun and it did not seem like 45 minutes. I have been working with my TurboJam DVDs. It is the most intense cardio I own right now. I have not tried my pilates as of yet but tomorrow might be a good day to try it out.

Love in Dispatch?
There are many times in dispatch on 911 there is a lot of screaming. Some times it is for urgency and other times it is out of anger. Most people in their frantic state yell to get their point across. This is useless most of the time because the louder the caller the more difficulty to understand what is being said. Yet in the midst of this there are the callers that are calm and listen. They are not as common as the others but they are there. Those are the calls that can be the toughest because I feel like I am evesdropping on them. Caller with husband having a stroke. She was terrified but calm. Part of the EMD (emergency medical dispatch) is telling the caller to reassure the patient that help is on the way etc... This the evesdropping. It like listening to someone's feelings of their loved one. Even though she was terrified she was able to keep herself together and keep talking to him, reassuring him that help was coming and she was going to stay by his side and take care of him. For people waiting for help, the waiting feels so much longer. The whole time waiting she would go back and forth gathering things and talking to me on the phone while talking to her husband. Once the ambulance got there she started crying but I think it is from relief. I will probably never find out the end result of what happened to him but it calls like these that make me rethink there is love out there. That there is hope and people can be there for each other. I think that these calls come when we (as dispatchers) start doubting if we make a difference or we start to give up on humans. Because many times in many days I have doubts there are people out there that love each other when many calls it doesn't feel like ANYONE loves each other anymore. Perhaps the wife and her husband will have a happy ending. I hope so.
