Thursday, August 19, 2010

PHASE II today! Goal #2. Starving!!

ChaLEAN Extreme Update...
I finished Phase I of ChaLEAN Extreme. YAY me!! I don't think that there have been any changes other then I am starting to feel stronger and I could do almost all of the burpees (which I HATE!) and I am getting better with my form. I don't see a drop in weight in my face. I did notice that in other before and after pics from other people that day 30 picture does not have that much change and even in day 60 picture there was not that much change BUT on day 90 there was a HUGE change! So I am not discouraged that my pants are not just dropping off me! LOL It will come if I keep going plus it has only been 30 days. That is such a short time. I officially started Phase II TODAY. It was not as hard as I thought. It was hard. Have not doubt about it. BUT I had previewed it and already had an idea how heavy of a weight I was going to use to start. Its only 28 minutes after the warm up. AND my son did the workout with me, just CE!!

Goal #2-Add Cardio
Ok for Phase I I did very little cardio because I was just learning the program and I was not very strong plus my nervous-ness of the knee issues. So my Goal #2 was add as much cardio as I can in Phase II. Today I did the first day-Push Circuit #1 and added Fat Blaster/Turbo Jam. It was tough but not so tough that I could not finish. I did mainly low impact because of the Push Circuit and because the steps of this workout are not easy. The camera is not always on Chalene so I have to watch others at a weird angle at times. It was fun because she makes it FUN but I need some serious practice. I also found on her website that she has other cardio sessions on YouTube (which I joined today!) So I am trying to have a variety of cardio to use. Tomorrow is rest and then on to more Phase II! I feel very good about this and myself. I am proud that I am committed to this now. This is different then other other times. I can FEEL it!

I don't really like food because it has been the bane of my existance for some time (10 years anyway). I am desperate for vatiety and overwhelmed with the choices. I feel so unorganized with food planning. To add to this I have been getting hungrier. Granted I was warned by Chalene and her crew but I could actually HEAR my stomach after my workout! What the??? I only had a bite before I worked out and definately drank my water. I did have a good breakfast after my workout. I only have a couple of bites before hand because I don't want a full stomach to work out with. I think that this is where the Shakeology will help me. I just want something I can zip together and just drink.

Tomorrow back to work!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It works!! Shakeology and temptation

ChaLEAN Extreme Update...
I am now on week three of ChaLEAN Extreme/Burn Circuit (first 30 days). I only missed one work out BUT I did a THREE mile hike (I am sure it was for GOATS) I KNOW it was call Iron Goat Trail but I didn't know it meant literally. More on that later...Anyway, I can feel myself getting stronger. I can go lower in my squats and lunges. My knees are feeling good and I don't have to take tylenol every day anymore. I only needed to ice once. I took a bike ride today and although it was short I could make it up the hill without a struggle AND I was hardly sweating. In terms of progress-that is LOTS of progress. In terms of a workout it was LIGHT but it is a REST day. Which by the way I have come to hate! I feel like I am wasting my time NOT doing something. And nowadays I am always thinking of new ways to workout/exercise/get out and more around. Progress!!

Oh. I wanted to do a hike. A simple, easy hike. Ok. It looked okay to start. It said it was wheelchair access. SWEET! It was me, my son, and my BFF who was in town to visit. It started because of Michael (friend/co-worker). He went to Mazama with his family on a hike and it looked FUN! So I got this book called "Off The Beaten Patch-Washington". My hike was in it and it was very close to where we were staying! YAY! What happened was we actually took the wrong path. It was HARD. It was LONG. But we FINISHED!! That was cool. I felt good about the whole thing (other then the initial shock of our situation!) but I am SURE it was FOR goats!! I forgot my phone so D. took all the pics. Once she gets back to the boat she is going to send them over.

I got my samples of Shakeology from my coach Brenda from She is AMAZING! Back to the samples! They are delicious. I tried the chololate one and the greenberry one. They are expensive but I think it is worth it. I am going to ramp up my workouts next month so I am going to need that extra fuel (so to speak). I really want this to work. I have been working on my diet-ok-my lifestyle change. (If you call it a diet YOU will fail!)I have NOT been to a vending machine since my last traumatic incident previously blogged! I have been preparing my work food on my days off and that also helps with stress too. I have been making better choices too. Today instead of eating regular tacos at Taco Bell I ate the cantina tacos which are like carne asada tacos. I also stopped when I was full NOT stuffed. I have been working on my water drinking at home.

Progress! YEAH ME!
