Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Well I am now on week three of Phase II. I think it is going great!! Every Tuesday is Plyocide and its a killer cardio workout. It's only 55 minutes and it does go by very fast. Tony Horton calls it death by jumping. It sometimes feels like death by jumping and this last Tuesday (yesterday) it really kicked my booty! KICKED IT! HOLY. I was very proud of myself because I was able to do the last exercise nearly the whole time and its the longest minute OF MY LIFE! Its a lot of up and down, up and down.... The only part I still cannot do is the Plyo part because its a pushup with a clap. I'm not quite ready for that level but I can do all the pushups AND because it's a drill he just calls out what we are doing. VERY FAST! I really have to push myself to finish it out! I did it! YAY!! 

"Do your best and forget the rest"! ~Tony Horton

Observing Lent

Today is Ash Wednesday. So that means its the start of Lent. I have observed Lent for quite a few years now. This year I am giving up white flour anything and potatoes.... Its gonna be HARD! But you are supposed to pick something that challenges you and this is certainly going to challenge me! I had been thinking of giving this stuff up for a while now. I really wanted chips today. DESPERATELY! Wanted chips!! Instead I made a greenberry shakeology with banana. It was good and it filled me up. On to a decent start! :o)


Monday, February 13, 2012

Sick, Still!!! Progress in the P90X2 journey. (old unpublished one)

Yuck! Still sick! If you have been reading my facebook updates you know I have been sick for now week number three. Tired of this nose/sinus issue! I have had severe allergy/sinus/nose issues in the past and it's LOATHESOME! Week one I didn't really take any medications and I was coming to my first Rest/Recovery week after finishing Phase I (four weeks!) of P90X2. So instead of Yoga X2 & Recovery and Mobility DVD that week I didnt do anything. I started week 5 STILL sick but I finished. I didnt do Yoga X2 that week because I could not bend over with my head sooooo stuffed! YIKES! Again rested on my Recovery & Mobilty DVD day!
polar bear sneezing
I am on DAY FOUR of another over the counter medicine. This time I got Mucinex-D. HA! It is the most hard core top of the line over the counter medicine- MOST powerful! How do I know aside from the tons of milligrams of meds crammed in each pill/ It's TWENTY-SIX dollars. YES! You read correctly $26 AT Walmart... That about a dollar a pill. It BETER be working... Its my last attempt on my own before going to the doctor. I've already been through one bottle of Theraflu and some of the Alka-Selzter super pills, 6 boxes of kleenex, one bottle of nose spray (#2 was bought yesterday) and countless cough drops! Bought another hefty pack of sugarless cough drops. This is the finale chance. I think it might be working....

This is officially day one of week two of Phase II. Going so well! The first week of a new routine is me basically flopping around trying to figure out modifications, new moves, etc. Basically like a prep week for all the exercises that are new. This week I really kick it into gear. Plus I write down my reps this week. I am still using bands and not a pullup bar. I do recognize that I either need stronger, tougher bands or a free standing pullup bar. I think I am going to do the bands. I also would like some pushup stands. I have been doing ALL my pushups on my toes and I have been able to more then before. Am I where I want to be? No. But I am progressing like I want to be doing at this point. YES! Can I do all reps? No. But its progress and progress is really what I am looking for at this point. I have a long way to do go on this long journey. I'm rather then I have been before.
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Today I decided that during Ab Ripper X2 that I was going to do 11 of EVERY exercise. Granted its not all of them but its the most I have ever done! YES! It does not make me feel bad or down on myself that I can't do all the reps. More progress. Day to day. Week to Week.

Tony Horton says " Do your best. Forget the rest." Thanks Tony. I needed that.

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Monday, February 6, 2012

Phase II

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I completed P90X2 Phase I. YES! I did a total of four weeks. I was not sure if I was going to go to four weeks but I am so glad I did! That last week really showed vast improvement. I really felt stronger! I did so many more reps this last week! YES!! It does pay off!!

Recovery WEEK! A whole week of yoga X2 and recovery & mobility DVD. I needed it. I did one day of Yoga X2 and this head cold killed me! UGH! I needed rest. So I rested. Sort of... I didnt do any workouts for the week. That is rest for me. I would have rather laid around but that not realistic for my life...  Life still goes on sick or not.

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Today! Phase II Whether I could breath through my nose or NOT! Theraflu and sugar free cough drops and I made it through!! It was hard but as I was doing my workout today I was thinking about what equipment I need to purchase to make it better! I have to do a lot of modifications BUT! But.... I did all my pushups on my toes! YAY!!!! That says I DID get stronger..... And my pants were looser today. HA!
