Taking a page from the Carrie Bradshaw blogging format..... Is it a fail if you don't finish?
No. It is not a fail.
I went to the Marine Corps Marathon. I did not finish. There were just too many obstacles for me to overcome. Sickness, time change, long flights, unfamiliar with the area, on my own, flipping from night to day living, not enough outside running, & never run any race before, etc.... When I was running along and realized there was just no way I was going to be able to "beat the bridge" by the allotted time I changed my goal from finishing to getting to mile 17. I did make my goal of mile 17. I had to decide what was more important... my ego? or my health? The race would eventually be over and I would go home. It was not worth the possible damage to myself that became important. I was and am at peace with this finish. The experience was worth it and I met a lot of really cool people.
I had already decided that one marathon in a lifetime was enough for me. There is no burning desire to do another. Not even the MCM. I learned a lot this year and not just about running & marathon training. There is so much I would and will do differently when it comes to running AND training. I feel like a half marathon distance is as long as I'll be doing from this point on. I'm already planning on doing the Seattle Rock & Roll 1/2 Marathon in June. I nearly signed up for the one in Arizona for January! And I was STILL achy & sore from MCM! Craziness! If I can do 17 miles with all the BS I endured for MCM then I'm SURE I can do 13.1 miles in my own state across the mountain....
Im already thinking about next year. The MCM has a 10k the same day. So maybe I'll do the 10k and volunteer at the Expo & along the run for SemperFi Fund Charity... Sounds wayyyyy more fun then running 26.2 miles.
Really though.. Who knows.... I might just get to June and decide to try again.
I'm taking a break from running and I'm going to be doing kickboxing classes (out of my comfort zone)- ACTUAL classes.... Practicing my yoga which I missed dearly during MCM training. And definitely doing way more weight resistance. Im going to change it up and do much more cross training. I missed it.
You should always grow from an experience. I've come a very long way since starting this journey October 2013.
Im here to write down my thoughts about workouts and food. I'm a Claims adjuster for a smaller insurance company these days. I'm forever trying new workouts. Im a cardio junkie with a love for yoga. It's the Yin &Yang of life. I'm a beachbody coach because I want every person in the world to know the feeling of a GREAT workout. Changes your life. Currently training for the 2017 Marine Corps Marathon. Location currently - Phoenix AZ
Friday, October 31, 2014
Saturday, August 23, 2014
A new part of the journey.... Injury.
My hip is a weak part of my body. Its not just a physical injury but an emotional one.. I'm a Marine and my hip injury many years ago is why I had to cut my career short. Very short.
At 23 years old I was told that I couldn't stay in because I have a underdeveloped hip so the hip joint doesn't fit properly. I was born this way and never had a hint of a hip issue my whole life until had a small pulled muscle on my leg on the other side. Through that silly pulled muscle I began to favor the other leg, the other hip. I was running and doing everything and had this nagging hip pain. It would not go away. No matter what I did nothing helped. In the USMC if you are injured you are basically useless. This was a time when the federal government was downsizing military. So after MRIs and X-rays, they decided to med-board me out. It was devastating. A failure. Its something I don't like to talk about.
For nearly 20 years, Ive always questioned that time in my life. Should I have fought it? Should I have just pretended that I was okay? Was I just a big crybaby sis that couldn't handle it? Its a haunting feeling. It hovers over you.
Training for this marathon. My hip hurts. I went from running 25 miles a week to barely running a 1/2 mile last week. I thought "Not again. Not this weak stupid hip." It takes me right back to the day they said it was over for me... 1997. All those feelings and emotions still there. Just buried.
After trying everything to heal myself I knew it was time to see the doctor. I had to decide to go and see him so he can tell me his medical opinion about going on with this marathon training or stop. I figured if I get a cortisone shot to get rid of the inflammation and get me to the marathon, I would stop running if he told me that was the best for me. I can't have one event in my life ruin the rest of my life by constant pain. Am I doing permanent damage? I had already decided this was the only marathon I was going to run.
It was good news (in my eyes)! I have tendinitis of the IT Band at the Hip. I have a new training plan and healing plan. I'll be doing physical therapy and trying acupuncture. Heat and cold treatment. So I can train for this marathon and get there AND finish!
Just don't give up. Sometimes you have to take an alternate route from the one you planned bc its just better for you.
PS. I got my answer. It was the right thing to do, to get out. Because this is exactly where I am supposed to be right now.
Friday, July 4, 2014
So. Its been awhile....

May was the last time I wrote a blog? Oh. I've been busy. Super busy! Working dayshift, training, & parenting takes up ALL my time. And I'll be honest and say that I had no idea how much time it takes to train for a marathon. It takes up any extra time I have... Everything revolves around running. I even told work that I can only do overtime on rest days!
Wow. I was totally obsessed with training. Until I couldn't finish my longer runs and I started to get leg pain especially hip pain. So I tool a break. I took a week long break. This week was my first week back to running. Last week my leg/hip pain was so bad I could barely run 2 out of 7 miles. I was so upset and overwhelmed by this. This last week I did yoga, a little Turbofire, and some Les Mills Combat. It's workouts but using muscles differently. I also got a massage.
I have been training for Marine Corps Marathon for 3 months. The Nike+ training program is great but it was becoming too many miles a week. I was up to 30 miles a week. It was a lot of miles but not effective miles and I discovered this is a big difference. I have a history of hip problems so I have to be very careful of what I do and how I do it especially when it comes to running. Ive decided to start again and use Hal Higdon's Novice Marathon Training program (www.halhigdon.com). I started at week 3. I do have 4.5 months until the Marathon and this program is 18 weeks. I have time to change my training. I also added Piyo from BeachBody by Chalene Johnson.
I think for me these 2 new programs will workout for me. I'm taking better care of myself. I'm using my foam roller nearly every day. I've been taking Motrin and icing my leg. I think Piyo is going to help with flexibility and strength without adding high impact cardio. I still am getting sweaty doing piyo!
Sunday, May 18, 2014
I can't do this…..
When I started writing this blog specifically about my training journey to the Marine Corps Marathon, I decided I would be totally honest on here no matter what I was feeling. For me to sit down and 'blog it' I really have to feel it. I just don't sit down in front of my laptop and just toss out ideas. There is a lot of feeling and passion behind each post.

Saturday was my first 7 mile run. I was ready for it and I had been following along with my marathon training but I missed last week because I was sick. Instead of repeating last week since I missed it I decided to just push forward. If anything I have determination and sometimes PURE unhinged stubbornness. Its really what pushes me. I was tired. It was my second trip down south. I was up at 0400 to get ready for work, I worked a full 8 hour shift that was decently busy. I went home and took a nap. I was also on day 4 of my new food/nutrients regiment. I felt okay to start. I decided that I would run 4 miles and then if I needed a break I would take a 30 second rest/stretch and finish the 3 miles. Ive ran 6 miles in a row before so I knew I wouldn't die…
3 miles and felt tired so I took a small break with some water. No biggie, Ive been running 3-4 mile runs for months. Then my app started spazzing out. 4.4 miles. I stop, adjust. Running again. 4.6 miles my app starts spazzing again. Now, Im looking at the clock, listening to my pace on the app, feeling stress. Fix it again. Running again. Looking at the clock….
6.1 miles. App acts up again. Again I stop. I pull it off my arm out of the sleeve. I set it down & it signs me off saying I completed my run. That is when I had a total meltdown. On the treadmill. I'm livid. I'm frustrated. I put my head on the front of the treadmill and I say to myself (in total seriousness) "I can't do this." And I started crying with my face buried in my soppy sweat soaked towel. I just stand there for a few minutes face buried. I give one big sigh.
I wiped my face off and looked at the clock on the gym wall. I straightened my towel and took some sips of water. I picked up my phone and restarted my 7 mile run scheduled day. My new plan was the run my last mile. I was going to run until it said I had gotten to one mile. It was what I had left. Those 4 songs…. I have to finish this one mile. Then my app said "half way done…" What? It started where I had left off, that one stupid mile. The stupid mile that tried to break me.

This blog post is really for all those people that think I never want to give up. That I never want to stop. I do. All the time. Quitting is like accepting defeat. And Im not gonna let it take me down.
Monday. 4 miles on the schedule.

Saturday was my first 7 mile run. I was ready for it and I had been following along with my marathon training but I missed last week because I was sick. Instead of repeating last week since I missed it I decided to just push forward. If anything I have determination and sometimes PURE unhinged stubbornness. Its really what pushes me. I was tired. It was my second trip down south. I was up at 0400 to get ready for work, I worked a full 8 hour shift that was decently busy. I went home and took a nap. I was also on day 4 of my new food/nutrients regiment. I felt okay to start. I decided that I would run 4 miles and then if I needed a break I would take a 30 second rest/stretch and finish the 3 miles. Ive ran 6 miles in a row before so I knew I wouldn't die…
3 miles and felt tired so I took a small break with some water. No biggie, Ive been running 3-4 mile runs for months. Then my app started spazzing out. 4.4 miles. I stop, adjust. Running again. 4.6 miles my app starts spazzing again. Now, Im looking at the clock, listening to my pace on the app, feeling stress. Fix it again. Running again. Looking at the clock….
6.1 miles. App acts up again. Again I stop. I pull it off my arm out of the sleeve. I set it down & it signs me off saying I completed my run. That is when I had a total meltdown. On the treadmill. I'm livid. I'm frustrated. I put my head on the front of the treadmill and I say to myself (in total seriousness) "I can't do this." And I started crying with my face buried in my soppy sweat soaked towel. I just stand there for a few minutes face buried. I give one big sigh.
I wiped my face off and looked at the clock on the gym wall. I straightened my towel and took some sips of water. I picked up my phone and restarted my 7 mile run scheduled day. My new plan was the run my last mile. I was going to run until it said I had gotten to one mile. It was what I had left. Those 4 songs…. I have to finish this one mile. Then my app said "half way done…" What? It started where I had left off, that one stupid mile. The stupid mile that tried to break me.
This blog post is really for all those people that think I never want to give up. That I never want to stop. I do. All the time. Quitting is like accepting defeat. And Im not gonna let it take me down.
Monday. 4 miles on the schedule.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Marathon Training….. And, What a Product Snob!
I started WEEK4 of Marathon training through Nike+ (www.nikeplus.nike.com). I was going to go through Hal Higdon (www.HalHigdon.com) marathon training program. He is the king of teaching marathons. Once you get into running and ANY kind of racing - marathon, half marathon, etc. you will hear his name - a lot. And you should. He has amazing tips and he follows a lot of marathons plus he has books and well… a lot of experience. And I hear he is also a great guy! I do follow him on Facebook and I do enjoy his tips and information about training. The only reason I am using Nike+ and not Hal is because his app is new and with Nike+ I KNOW it works on a treadmill. Although I use Nike+ I am still reading up on Hal stuff and anything else I can find about preparing for marathon - I'm into research. Big. Time.
I first want to say that I love Beachbody and I love Shakeology and I love all their products. Beachbody is an amazing company and I am very happy to be part of this company. I love all the people I have met and they have all in their own way changed my life for the better. And I will always be a life long fan AND customer of Beachbody.
That being said. Ive been quite a little product snob. Ohhhhh yes. I have turned up my nose to many many products. Well, I was talking to my friend at the gym and she said she has been using a products from a company that I have heard about, oh about a MILLION times and I have in fact resisted. So after talking to my friend and doing research on my own Ive decided to try out these products. So from May 1st- May30th Ill be testing this company out to see how well these products work. I'm still going to be drinking my Shakeology of course because it is THE BEST drink EV_ER. Im just trying not be a total product snob. I want to see if I can have some success with new products. Marathon training is no joke and I'm taking it very seriously so I have to be serious about all aspects of health including food and supplements (other healthy stuff).
At the end of my little experiment/experience I'll give my full review.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Five Miles.
A marathon is 26.2 miles. Today. I did my second five mile run. My first five mile run was horrific to say the least. It took forever. I struggled the whole time. My pace was about 17min mile. I left that run discouraged and really questioning the whole marathon idea. How was I supposed to run 26.2 miles when I could BARELY squeak out five miles? I know I can't run 26.2 miles YET and that is the whole purpose for training for a marathon. I'm training steadily to get to the point where I CAN run a whole marathon. It takes time and a lot of dedication especially if you (like myself) haven't run in a very long long time. Running is just different then other cardio. And the real key to running a whole marathon is to respect the distance. A marathon is NO JOKE. Its a long way and your body has to be prepared to run that far. Its a lot of mental, can't psych yourself out which is exactly what I did on my first five mile run.
Today. I ran five miles. After working all night and getting little sleep the day before plus being sick earlier in the week! I not only ran an entire five miles I ran it at 11.42min mile pace. This is a personal best. It gave me confidence to believe I CAN do this marathon. The last mile was a bit rough but I powered through it and got it DONE. And I felt amazing when I was finished. I needed this run to go well to prove to myself that I am on the right track and that it CAN be DONE!!
Today. I ran five miles. After working all night and getting little sleep the day before plus being sick earlier in the week! I not only ran an entire five miles I ran it at 11.42min mile pace. This is a personal best. It gave me confidence to believe I CAN do this marathon. The last mile was a bit rough but I powered through it and got it DONE. And I felt amazing when I was finished. I needed this run to go well to prove to myself that I am on the right track and that it CAN be DONE!!
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Updates…. P90X2 Round2
Im in week 2 of 10K training with PearSports. Today was a four mile run. It went okay. I really like the app from PEARsports but I can't use it for a distance run because the GPS doesn't work on the treadmill. So I used Nike+ app and that works just great but I really miss Coach Jenny! I'm weighing my options about this app training situation. I think it will be fine once I start running outside but I'm not quite there yet.
I've decided to start Round 2 of P90X2. I started on Tuesday. Its still a tough workout BUT its so much fun. Much more fun then P90X. The workouts are slightly shorter and there is more balance exercise included in P90X2. My favorite is Plyocide which is actually death by jumping. It has four rounds of five exercises. It goes by very fast and it's very intense cardio. It's Tony Horton so depending if you like him or not will decide if you have fun. I LOVE it! I enjoy it even though I'm sweating beyond belief.
I've started clean eating again. It's hard work but it's what I think has been holding me back from getting to the next level of fitness. Planning is key for me!!
ALSO! Don't forget to donate to my page on http://www.active.com/donate/semperfifundmcm2014/SFFCGoddar
All the proceeds go directly to SemperFi Funds Wounded Warrriors!
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Marine Corps Marathon and the Semper Fi Fund Charity
I did it!! I signed up for the Marine Corps Marathon. I decided to go through the Semper Fi Fund charity. http://semperfifund.org
There are so many reasons I decided to go through a charity to sign up for this marathon. It's called the People's Marathon and this charity is for Marines. It's for Marines, about Marines, helping Wounded Warrior Marines…. And why wouldn't I?
I am a Marine. Avery big part of being a Marine is the camaraderie and that you don't leave a man behind. This a very big part for me. I am firm believer of never leaving anyone behind so by being part of this great organization I am doing my part to help other Marines. A marathon takes time and dedication with training. But I can still run and live a normal regular life. These Marines do not have that luxury anymore. Semper Fi Fund helps in so many different ways from housing to cars to even providing K9 for these Wounded Warriors.
I am very strong believer in K9 and wounded warriors. I think that in lots of situations that a dog can help someone more then medication. Dogs bring comfort and safety these Marines who feel very unsafe and anxious living in the regular world.
This isn't what you believe about war or the President or even the Marine Corps, its about helping those who need help. Please donate a few dollars, there is no minimum.
The minimum donation requirement for this program (MCM2014) is $500 by August 1, 2014. I would like to raise $2,000. So lets go!!
There are so many reasons I decided to go through a charity to sign up for this marathon. It's called the People's Marathon and this charity is for Marines. It's for Marines, about Marines, helping Wounded Warrior Marines…. And why wouldn't I?
I am a Marine. Avery big part of being a Marine is the camaraderie and that you don't leave a man behind. This a very big part for me. I am firm believer of never leaving anyone behind so by being part of this great organization I am doing my part to help other Marines. A marathon takes time and dedication with training. But I can still run and live a normal regular life. These Marines do not have that luxury anymore. Semper Fi Fund helps in so many different ways from housing to cars to even providing K9 for these Wounded Warriors.
I am very strong believer in K9 and wounded warriors. I think that in lots of situations that a dog can help someone more then medication. Dogs bring comfort and safety these Marines who feel very unsafe and anxious living in the regular world.
This isn't what you believe about war or the President or even the Marine Corps, its about helping those who need help. Please donate a few dollars, there is no minimum.
The minimum donation requirement for this program (MCM2014) is $500 by August 1, 2014. I would like to raise $2,000. So lets go!!
Monday, February 3, 2014
Back to Running! 10K training has begun!
Today was my first day back on the treadmill. Day 1 of 10K training with Coach Jenny. This program is 8 weeks so I'll be done on March 28 as the plan says. I really like following a program and I really like Coach Jenny.
Once again my HR monitor didn't work so I put it back in my bag. I've emailed the company and their remedy didn't fix it. I broke a nail in the process and I really tired of dealing with this situation so I think I am going to start looking for another heart rate monitor. I could NOT find my Fitbit. I was sure I put it in my gym bag last night after I charged it. I looked when I got back home and it's till MIA. I'm gonna test out Nike+ app to see if that is a good one to use for mileage.
I ran anyway. I've been running the same amount of time for the same amount of miles so I'm guessing 3 miles today. I have my new shoes and I just returned from a week off from running so I did a nice easy pace. My music needs to be changed up and I'm working on that today. I had to stop a couple times because of the music issues popping up but it was a nice run and I'm glad to back in the gym.
Once again my HR monitor didn't work so I put it back in my bag. I've emailed the company and their remedy didn't fix it. I broke a nail in the process and I really tired of dealing with this situation so I think I am going to start looking for another heart rate monitor. I could NOT find my Fitbit. I was sure I put it in my gym bag last night after I charged it. I looked when I got back home and it's till MIA. I'm gonna test out Nike+ app to see if that is a good one to use for mileage.
I ran anyway. I've been running the same amount of time for the same amount of miles so I'm guessing 3 miles today. I have my new shoes and I just returned from a week off from running so I did a nice easy pace. My music needs to be changed up and I'm working on that today. I had to stop a couple times because of the music issues popping up but it was a nice run and I'm glad to back in the gym.
So I guess today was FULL of plot twists….
Friday, January 24, 2014
Today was the last run of the Zero to 5K. A virtual 5K… And it was one of the worst runs since I officially started training for Marine Corps Marathon 2014.
After wanting to rip my headphones off and throw my phone off the second floor from the treadmill, I had to go over my issues today. I have to figure out how to remedy to the issues…..
*My shoes are worn out. And this is the last time I'm using them. I have to say goodbye to my first Brooks running shoes. I'm budgeted for new shoes in February and I have already been researching shoes.
*I realized my PEAR app (www.pearsports.com) isn't going be able to count my miles because the GPS is off when I use the treadmill vs going outside. So I wasn't able to finish my 'race' because by the time I ran 3.1 miles (according to my FitBit) PEAR said it was only 1.1 miles after 48 MINUTES!
*My foot hurts. A lot. My shoes didn't help and I was forced to stop a lot due to pain. It's why I was so slow today.
*And I was unable to focus…… I had a very intense emotional discussion with my Battle Buddy. I'm fine and it was a good conversation. It's just not good to have one like that before a race. It makes it very difficult to focus.
So! New plan. I'm taking a break from running this coming week. I will be focusing on yoga for the week. Im buying my new running shoes at the end of next week. Im going to decide which app I'm going to start up and Im going to work on healing my foot- hot epsom salts, icing it, and massage.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
GOALLLLLLLLLLL!! I am still training for Marine Corps Marathon2014 and I am on week six (5k training) starting Monday . But yesterday (Friday)…. I had my last endurance run. After weeks and weeks I finally ran four miles. I've been working on getting to four miles for awhile now and I finally made it! Goal! I only need to be able to run a 5K (3.1 miles) for the particular program but I set a goal of four miles before I finished. I made it!! Little goals are sometimes more important then the bigger goal. YAY!!
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