Friday, June 18, 2010

Mini Meals, Chi & Acupuncture!

Unless you are like my friend D., who has self control of steel-unwavering, you may find yourself at the drive thru. Now my friend D. says you should never eat anywhere that you can get your food through a window! But there are times when it is necessary. There is a McDonald's where I live and I absolutely NEVER EVER sit inside. There is something about inside that place that I just can't deal with. So the drive thru is the only option for me. So for the most part if I go there (which is not that often) I go through the drive thru. And driving and eating a salad is sentencing you to bad juju via vehicle collision. Eating & driving is just has dangerous as talking on the cell or driving while tired! Anyway my son and I were there and I got a mini-meal. They are under three dollars and they are basically a happy meal without the toy. And we have to consider that the Happy Meal is actually an adult size serving NOT the regular meals! And I am not even talking about how the Supersized everything either! Happy meals are the CORRECT serving for an ADULT! So now don't get the regular meal if you decide to roll through McDonald's get the mini meal its enough food and without the silly toy!

Chi. Maybe my Chi is askew? The Chinese believe that Chi is the natural flow of the universe. There are all kinds of chi- organs have their own chi, blood flow has its own chi. They believe that if your chi (which ever one) is blocked then that is where medical problems occur. One way to put your Chi back where it should be or unblocked (which ever!) is to get acupuncture done. I personally have never had it done before but I know a few people and they say it works! AND bonus! My insurance covers it! HA!! So perhaps my Chi is off and I need to get it back to where it supposed to be. It is something certainly to think about. If meds are not working and you have done all that you can to make yourself better perhaps acupuncture is something that could work for you. Pain is only a symptom and pills only cover the pain so you can live. What if you had to chance to get rid of the pain once and for all without pill? Its worth a try. I am really considering it. My friend D.? She had it done and she is said it worked for her ailment. Plus I don't think it hurts like we think it is going to hurt! ;o)


PS If needles completely freak you out.. There acupressure therapy! No needles involved!

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